Redbeard’s Forge

a small town blacksmith shop for all your metal craftsmanship needs to give that perfect gift or to bring that hand-made touch and warmth to any home.

Living the dream of a lifetime, and the desire to do more!


Dear patrons and fellow admirers of craftsmanship,

Step into our humble blacksmith shop, where the clang of hammers against anvil echoes through the air, and the scent of heated metal dances with the promise of artistry. Here, we don’t just shape iron; we breathe life into it. Each piece that leaves our forge carries a piece of our passion—a fusion of tradition, skill, and imagination.

Type of finishes that I apply to my work!

I use a few different finishes that give my work that older blacksmith look. I use Beeswax in the majority of my finishes; depending on what the piece will be used for I’ll also use an oil based finish like lard or cooking oil. most of my work over time will require refinishing, much like a cast iron skillet would need to be and especially if it is a piece that remains outside in the elements. you can extend the protection from rust by adding a light coat of melted beeswax or oil to the piece every so often. I will add a clear coat on top of my finish at the buyers request unless the piece is something like a sign bracket that would not be able to be lightly coated with oil or wax or if the piece is something that belongs outside, then i’d add a clear coat to it without it being requested.

Custom Work

get a quote and an estimate of time to complete on a custom project!

click the button below to read some important information about custom orders, and also to place a custom order with me !